Wednesday, November 5, 2008

On the Election . . .

This has been a difficult election season. Many candidates, very different proposals for our future and, towards the end, a growing economic crisis. The tenor of the campaign took an unfortunate turn with much mud slinging, half truths, and racist undertones.

Right in the middle of all of this unfortunate political maneuvering were many Christian people. I received countless e-mail forwards about Barack Obama's "evil" characteristics - from him being a Muslim (Thanks dad & mom for teaching me to love everyone and that there are faithful people in other religions), to his support of killing children, to his connections with terrorism. All of these unfortunate claims passed on as "truths" by people who follow Jesus. Add to these a series of position disaggreements that included claims that poor people are poor because they are lazy, healthcare is a responsibility not a right, and leaving Iraq is "surrendering" and we have in our hands fuel for the fires of hatred and division.

In spite of all of the rhetoric we elected Barak Obama as president of the United States forty years after the assasination of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Today we have reasons to rejoice! Not because a democrat won the white house, or because it was our canditate who won. We rejoice because of the historic milestone that has been achived in a country with such an unfortunate history of race relations.

As a pastor I have refused to take partisan labels and to publicly support a candidate. That has been and will continue to be my practice. Now I join the chorus of other Americans (of all political persuasions) in celebrating this important moment in our history where we show the signs of healing from the wounds of our painful past.

I will continue to work diligently in leading the people of God into faithful engagement with the issues of our time. I will continue to teach that the kingdom of God is not brought about by any political party but by the people of God. I will also continue to be an agent of reconciliation and a bearer of the good news to all people, no matter who they are.

Now as God's people we have the duty to continue lifting up in prayer all our national leaders as they work towards peace, justice, fairness, and equality for all people here and around the world.

Peace, Juan+

Monday, October 27, 2008

A Dream Church

In a recent flight to Dayton, Ohio, friend and colleague Katie McKay asked me about what kind of community I dream about serving. After a few seconds I gave her what seemed to me later like a convoluted answer.

I continued thinking about the question as we both enjoyed our time with the Young Pastors Network and the Change the World Conference.

One of those mornings it came to me . . . I would love to lead a liturgical, sacramental, contemplative, progressive, missional congregation.

Wow!!! That seems like a lot to ask!

In the next few weeks I hope to tease these characteristics out in the hopes that others catch a vision for this kind of faith community.

Maybe is not a crazy dream at all . . .

Peace, Juan+

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Don't Worry!

"Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be known to God." Philippians 4:6

It's not easy for me not to worry. In some ways its part of my nature. There are so many needs around me and sometimes there is little I can do about those. Listening to the talking heads on television makes it worst . . . the needs of the world are even more overwhelming. But what if there are good reasons to worry, to be concerned?

For the last few weeks we have watched our economy go on a nosedive. Financial institutions have failed, markets have tumble, and people are anxious. The price for basic necessities continue to go up and our salaries remain the same. Many are losing their jobs and others are losing their pensions. These are worrisome times.

Our faith teaches us not to worry instead to bring our concerns to God. This is not a simple "just pray and it will get better." Instead is a re-prioritizing connection to the one who gives us what we need.

Worry does not help us in any way. Politicians, economist, and other "experts" just add to the anxiety. Their opinions and solutions are obviously not rooted in the ethics of Jesus. They are not rooted in the struggles of the least, of the needy, of the voiceless. They are not rooted in simplicity and in the sharing of resources. Instead the main concern is on saving big corporations, getting them back so that they make more money and somehow have that money trickle down to those who work very hard each day to make a living. If worry does not help neither does our reliance on these leaders.

I'm making my request to God. I am acknowledging my own greed and desire for more. I am relying on the one who has never left me. I am depending on the one who created the world.

As for the crisis . . . it will continue until we begin to deal with the source of the problem (an ethic incompatible with the Gospel) and we change our ways (repent) and begin to live in new ways (the way of Jesus). In the meantime we will continue to do "the things that [we] have learned and received and heard and seen." (Philippians 4:9) We will continue to proclaim the Good News of Jesus in the midst of the storm.

Thanks be to God!

Peace, Juan+

Monday, September 22, 2008

After the Storm

We are blessed that all is well. No damage, no leaks, no rebuilding. Others were not so lucky. All our people are back and we are trying to settle into our lives and continue the work of ministry in this community.

After a storm there is normally a time of evaluation. Experts weigh in on the damage, they asses it and plan for reconstruction. Property owners try to determine if they will rebuild, those who do not own wonder if they will come back. Decisions have to be made after a storm.

Although we did not suffer damage I believe we can also take this opportunity for evaluation. I wonder what God is calling us to? What is God's invitation to us? What do we need to change and what do we need to continue doing?

In one of my current reads Leading Beyond the Walls, Adam Hamilton says that churches need to ask themselves three questions:

1. Why do people need Christ?
2. Why do people need the church?
3. Why do they need this particular church?

(Abingdon Press; 2002, p 21)

These are wonderful questions. We need to ask them, answer them and act on them. We need to be open to what God is leading us into as a community of faith. Vibrancy, mission, zeal are important to those who follow Jesus, the one who is with us in the midst of the storm and the one who calms it.

Others need to hear about it!

Peace, Juan+

Thursday, September 11, 2008

On Storms

Again we are watching a storm . . . this time it is Ike. I am glad that they have names. You watch it so much that you get to know them.

Again we are wondering what to do . . . leaving, staying are difficult decisions to make. What is the best choice?

Again we are anxious about the future . . . what is the aftermath going to bring? Who will be affected? What are we going to do then?

Again we are relying on the God of a future with hope . . . the one who walks with us through the valley, calms the storms, and heals what is broken.

Again we know what is like to live in uncertainty . . . imagine those who live in it everyday!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

On Living Churches

Recently a lay leader at Squyres told me about a quiz he was giving his students the next day. The quiz was about the Five Characteristics of Living Things:

  1. Are organized or have an orderly structure.
  2. Respond to their environment- this includes homeostasis: mantaining proper internal conditions.
  3. Take in and use energy.
  4. Grow and develop: individual cells grow and the organism grows by adding new cells - over a lifetime, living things develop and change.
  5. Reproduce.

Upon hearing these characteristics a "light bulb" went on and theological senses heightened. Here is my version of the theological characteristics of living churches:

  1. Are Community: are organized and structured communally.
  2. Are Missional: Respond to their environment.
  3. Are led by the Spirit: Take in and use the Spirit's power.
  4. Are Maturing: grow in & develop their discipleship (sanctification).
  5. Are Reproducing: make disciples by sharing the good news with others.

So is our church "alive?" What can we do to make sure that it is? What are your thoughts?

Peace, Juan+

Monday, August 25, 2008

On Thirty!

I can't believe that I am 30 years old today. In some ways it seems impossible in others it seems like I'm 40!

I have a blessed life. God has graced me with a wonderful family, great vocation, and loyal friends. In so many ways I am amazed at my life, it is better than I ever dreamed it could be. There have been many sojourners and guides along the way. I am most thankful at my parents who have believed in me always and in Shannon who sees gifts in me that I cannot see. I am also thankful to the many friends that have been part of my journey, especially Josh Hale and the gang.

I have been reflecting in the last few weeks about my life. My passions are many and I want to direct those passions to the service of God and to the good of humanity. My life is still just beginning and my prayer is that I can continue to use the gifts that God has given me for the work of the Gospel.

Thank you to all who have made my life a wonderful journey and I pray that you continue in the journey with me.

Peace, Juan+

Thursday, August 7, 2008


In a recent congregational letter I invited our members to journey with us. For those of you who know me this will not be a surprise. I am one who has been deeply formed by the idea of life as a journey, especially as a person of faith.

I have been on a journey my whole life. I have moved many times, went to many different schools, different churches, and have met many wonderful people. There have been heartbreaks along the way but by and large it has been a wonderful life. In fact, I would not be who I am if I had not been on those "adventures"(as my family sometimes refers to our travels).

Being on a journey is an intentional decision. You prepare for it and within it are always aware of where you are, taking it all in, knowing that at every point God is there guiding, prodding, and inviting.

In baptism we have been initiated in a communal journey. Our walk is not solitary but instead it includes all the faithful from the beginning of time. That community takes shape in our worship on the Lord's day as we gather around font, word, and table. In the gathering of God's people we rehearse what it means to be on this journey, what it means to be in it together.

I am thankful for the many who have walked this journey with me. Father and mother who got me started, a sister who was an early companion, now a wife and children who walk with me hand in hand. There have also been others: friends, colleagues, teachers, mentors, and strangers. All have been companions, all have been Christ for me at different times, all have made a mark in my life.

God is constantly inviting us to be part of this great adventure that we call a life of faith. I wonder if we will take God on that invitation? I wonder if we will join him and the community of faith in this journey?

Peace, Juan+

Monday, July 28, 2008

In Memoriam

Anniversaries are important. They are markers of important events in ones life. In celebrating them we acknowledge that the event left a permanent marker in our lives.

This is the anniversary of Garrett's death. I can't believe that a year has passed by. . . so much has changed since that day. I am sure that none of our lives have been the same for this one event has marked us forever.

The Christian faith is one of resurrection! We believe that Christ conquered sin and death and because of that we too can conquer it. We believe that those that have gone before us are part of the great communion of saints, those that are already living the fruits of resurrection. We believe that when we gather around the table that communion gathers with us once more as we celebrate the mighty acts of Jesus Christ.

Garrett you have been with me all this time and will be with me always. Every time I celebrate Holy Communion I am reminded that you are there celebrating with us (maybe now paying a little more attention ;-) Every time I kneel down to give bread and wine to any child, I am reminded of those big eyes and little hands ready to receive. I was honored to be your pastor.

On this anniversary I thank you for reminding me of God's call in my life. I thank you for being God's messenger in the midst of the most difficult time in the lives of so many.

We miss you!

Peace, Juan+

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I Believe!

In a recent blog my best friend, brother, and colleague Josh Hale asked the question "What is it like to be a priest, a prophet, a preacher, a pastor, a parson?" it was interesting that he asked the question because I have been asking it about myself in the last few weeks. What is like and what does it mean? Why do I do what I do each day? What does it mean to feel called to it?

I agree with Josh that most of us do a poor job at describing our vocation. Complaining, sharing "war" stories and whining does not help those called to answer that call. In fact for many it's probably a big turn off when they hear pastors describing what they do in such negative ways.

I do what I do because I believe! I believe in the transformative power of the gospel. I believe in the amazing empowerment of the Spirit that the gathering called the church has to carry out God's vision in the world. I believe that some of us have been called by God to lead God's people into that fullness into God's own work. I believe that the work is grounded in the incarnation as we become the body of Christ for the world. I believe passionately . . . maybe at times to my detriment.

All of this to say that I believe in the church and in its power to be God's agent in the world. Every church has that response-ability in their own community where ever they are. I believe in our own congregation Squyres UMC and in its potential to be this kind of transformative community in this place. I Believe . . .

Peace, Juan+

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

On the Church: A Beginning

Some years ago, while our family was on vacation, we attended a local congregation for worship. As we arrived we were given bulletins by the greeters, who were friendly but not extremely helpful, and typical of pastors I began to look at everything around me, the space, the people, the layout, and what this church said about itself in the different pieces of material in the pew and in the bulletin. Soon I found their mission statement: “Committed to an informed membership.”

An "informed membership?" I was disappointed at this congregation and I was only a visitor. Although I am sure that they meant well it spoke volumes that their “mission” had nothing to do with the mission of Jesus. I wonder how they arrived at seeing themselves in this way? What did they mean by it? How did they perceive this way of being as one that would guide them into kingdom work?

As I begin my work at Squyres UMC I ask myself: what is our mission? and how do we accomplish it? If our mission is centered on Christ, driven by God's Spirit, and rooted in table fellowship, what does our living in this way look like? Our ministries? Our ways of conversation and administration?

All of these are important questions. They are important because society needs the church to be the church, the gathering of those transformed by God's Spirit into agents of God's reconciling love. That is our mission, our calling, and our identity.

We could be committed to an "informed membership" or to any other cause, but that does not make us the church. What makes us the church is our commitment to live the way of Jesus in the world, empowered by the Spirit, sealed by the waters of baptism, and constantly sanctified by table fellowship.

In the next few weeks I will continue writing on the church. If you have any comments or questions please feel free to write them. My prayer is that God may guide us as we seek to be the church, the people of God, in our community.

Peace, Juan+

Monday, July 7, 2008

On Being Named

I remember the excitement and joy of selecting a name for our children. It was not easy, we poured over baby name books for hours, yet little by little we began selecting and putting names together. Some early favorites did not make it while others kept on coming up. Our goal was to find a name that "fit" our dreams, hopes, and desires for this child. In some ways naming became a sort of invocation, a calling of God's promises and our promises on this child. It is not surprising then that in scripture God uses naming as a powerful tool that speaks of a change in a person's life.

Spirit Stirrer was a name (a description) given to me. Out of a very difficult time a close friend poured out in poetic utterance and named me. Sharing in this pain and this naming changed my life. It was a gift of God's grace. At the time I did not realize it. Others were given names also and we had a wonderful time decoding who was who (see like a great poet she allowed for us to figure out who was who and after much banter she revealed it).

Last week I had a dream about this "name," I was told to use it. I was not sure how, dreams are like that, what I knew was that I needed to claim it. After a conversation with my name giver I decided that it was ok to use it as the name for my new blog.

I hope this medium becomes a conversation about life together. As I begin my work as pastor of Squyres United Methodist Church I am aware of the importance of community. As Christian people we claim that our life together is made possible by God's Spirit. It is this Spirit that I hope is stirring all of us towards one another and towards God.

I am blessed and honored to be given the opportunity to be a catalyst, an agent, of God's initiative in the lives of people. I pray this medium extends that ministry, the ministry of the church, to all that God sends this way!

Peace, Juan+

Thursday, July 3, 2008


I am excited about this new beginning! I'll have to admit that I have not been a very effective blogger. I've had fits and starts and an occasional encounter with my muse. Overall not much has been written so I decided to bury my old blog (Sacramental Ramblings) and begin a new one.

Soon I will talk about the name and what I hope these musings accomplish. For now all I will say is that I am grateful to be back and look forward to the conversation.

Peace, Juan+